Black bears are smaller and top out at 400-500 pounds mostly, at least on the east coast. Occasionally males get to be 700 or more, but it’s fairly uncommon. You’re close enough to their size they may second guess a fight for fear of being hurt, and also can be skittish. So if it’s black, fight back.
Brown bears are grizzlies and Kodiak. 1000 pounds plus. Don’t fight back, you’ll piss them off and aren’t big enough to intimidate them at all. They might stop if they think you’re dead already, or only bite you once or twice to be sure. So if it’s brown, lay down.
If it’s white, it’s a polar bear. It’s going to eat you either way, they eat dead things and rarely pass up food of any type. It’s scarce where they’re from. They’re also 1500 pounds and there’s nowhere to run from them. If it’s white, goodnight.
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