How do the MAOI family of antidepressants work?


How do the MAOI family of antidepressants work?

In: Biology

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So, let’s look at the name: *monoamine oxidase inhibitor.*

This means that the MAOI class of drugs inhibits (slows down or blocks) the activity of a chemical called monoamine oxidase (two types of which are found in the body, MAO A and MAO B).

Monoamine oxidase causes the breakdown of the neurotransmitters which contain a monoamine group, which include (among others) dopamine and serotonin, two neurotransmitters that promote feelings of well-being and contentment.

So, putting it all together: MAOIs inhibit the action of chemicals that cause the breakdown of (among others) serotonin and dopamine. Because those neurotransmitters are not being broken down as rapidly, more of them are available in the brain to exert their effects.