How do these lights work? They’re only showing light where the shadows are?


[So how does this work?]( (Video Clip)
How does the technology work? Should the lights be blanketing the entire table in light? How is there light appearing only from where the lights are not?

I shot some video at CES because I thought it looked cool but it wasn’t till after I left that I realized they are only creating color where the shadows are. There were three lights from the lamp above the table. The company I *think* is part of Panasonic (they were under the Panasonic sign). The logo I remember having “RGB” but I can’t find any other info about them.

In: Technology

3 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

There are three lights. Each of the lights is in a different place. When an object casts these three shadows, they don’t line up because the three lights are in a different place. The shadow of one light shows the other two, unless it intersects the shadow of a different part of the object, in which only one light makes it to the table.

This is basic physics, beautifully demonstrated.

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