How do they build a processor with billions of transistors?


How are scientists able design processors with such large amounts of transistors? Do they do it with automation? How is it possible to do something like this at that scale?

In: Physics

6 Answers

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It’s a machine made of lots of little parts. To get your head around it, think about the complexity of a mechanical watch. Lots of little cogs, springs, that all have a part to play in timing, moving hands, phase of the moon, whatever other features it has, lots of little parts, fitted together to create the whole.

Now think about an early computer pre transistor, a tube was used as the switch, it was big and there was only so much you could practically fit. The invention of the transistor with the discovery of the properties of semi conductors made that smaller, more complex machines could be made with smaller switches. Take that forward to the integrated circuit, you can now print the circuit, lots of little parts, all together making the whole machine.

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