How do they design rooms with particular acoustics?


How do they design rooms with particular acoustics?

In: Engineering

4 Answers

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Think about it like a pool table.

Soundwaves move, and when they hit a wall, they bounce off of that wall. And depending on what that wall is made out of, it affects the sound. Different materials do different things to that sound. So, a hard service like concrete will bounce a lot of the sound back, and soft material like foam will absorb a lot of that sound. The harder the material, the louder the sound will be when it bounces off of it. Just like with a pool table, if the sides were made out of hard material, the balls will bounce off of them harder than if they were made out of soft material. Note: different material also can affect other things about the sound, some making low pitched sound stronger, others making high pitched sound stronger, but I can’t explain that well.

Also, like a pool table, the angle of the walls affect how the sound bounces back. Depending on where you want the cue ball to go will determine what angle you bounce it off the wall. It’s the same with sound. In pool, you don’t really want a whole bunch of balls blocking a pocket, and in sound, you don’t really want a whole bunch of sound bouncing back into one particular spot.

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