How do they get such crazy footage for nature documentaries?


I’m watching Our Planet on Netflix right now and this one single episode has Siberian tigers, giant aerial bird fights, and underwater newt orgies. According to the doc, Siberian tigers roam a 30x30sq mile area in the winter. How do they get such high quality footage of such seemingly rare animals/events?

In: Other

4 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Lots of options, helicopters and cameras, land vehicles and long lenses, stationary cameras left behind for a period of time without people around, or a normal photographer and patience.
Wildlife photographers spend their lives learning to read animals and know how to just hang out at a distance and be non threatening until animals come closer. Wildlife photography is lots of long hours, patience, years of experience guiding your actions or approaches and lots of luck.
There are lots of examples like this,

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