How do they make gluten free flour?


Can I replicate it at home? Is it made out of completely different grain? And how does it replace regular flour gluten when it comes to making recipes that ask for gluten development?

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4 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

They grind up something without gluten in it, such as almonds.

Yes you can make it at home, it may or may not actually end up being cheaper though.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Gluten-free flour is basically non-wheat flour, made from stuff like rice, nuts (almonds/chestnuts/hazelnuts), potatoes, tapioca/cassava, corn, or even acorns or beans.

These kinds of flours will not produce wheat-flour-type of breads/pastries, specifically because they have no gluten content. The products will usually be denser, like a biscuit or a cookie, than airy/fluffy.

Anonymous 0 Comments

the word flour describes the end result which is when a seed, grain, legume or root is finely ground to a dried powder like consistency. You can make flour out of lots of things such as rice, coconut, almond, potato, barley and obviously wheat. Lots of different flours can be made at home if you have a powerful enough grinder or blender.

Anonymous 0 Comments

This is the ingredients list from the gluten free plain flour at my local supermarket:

Gluten Free Starches (Maize, Tapioca), Gluten Free Flours (Rice, Maize), Rice Bran, Thickeners (415).

They just use ingredients that never had gluten to begin with.