How do traffic lights time or decide when to display their colors (red/green/yellow)?


How do traffic lights time or decide when to display their colors (red/green/yellow)?

In: Technology

5 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Some are timed.

Several have pressure plates to tell when cars have been waiting and for how long.

Others might have light sensors, but that might also be urban myth (yet you’ll still see some people flashing their brights trying to get their light to change).

It’s almost entirely automated with the safest paths being directed in their order of traffic density and waiting duration, and the pressure plate may be several car spaces back or require a certain weight to work, which might be why some cars never seem to trigger some lights.

It’s like a bicycle opening the gates at an apartment complex exit by magnetic detection, but more complex for gating 4-way traffic instead of 1-away / exit only

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