: How do trimmers not cut skin when they’re pressed against the face?


My barber was cutting my hair today at 0 point. Was afraid he’ll chop of my ear or something

In: 368

8 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

There is that metal plate between your skin and the rest of the machine. Anything that gets cut needs to go between those fine teeth first, and that’s hard to do with skin.

Small wrinkles _can_ sometimes get beyond the plate, but that’s a small risk.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Trimmers are basically two metal combs where one slides back and forth against the other. Hairs go between the teeth of the combs and are sheared off when the comb slides and the teeth change positions. The part of the trimmers that touches your skin is stationary and runs parallel to the skin. Anything that is to be cut needs to stand up from the skin and be thin enough to fit between the teeth of the combs.

Anonymous 0 Comments


Anonymous 0 Comments


Anonymous 0 Comments

I’ve cut my lip using a trimmer for my beard before. It can cut on a sharp angle. The blades are just too small to grab a flat piece of skin. The barber also sees what they’re doing, so easier to be careful around the ears.

The closest we get is the flipped image in the mirror. It’s like driving with a controller upside down.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Oh I have definitely cut myself. You just need a small wrinkle and cut away. The plastic guards really help but if you need it very short you can’t use them. If the skin is tight it wont pass through the bottom. The bottom part is also serving as a guard. The moving part is just above it. If you are a guy, try it without a guard on you sack if you are hoping for a bloody mess. The round trimmers meant for skin contact keep the openings too small for skin to pass through. But those are meant for very short hair that will want to stick straight out.

Anonymous 0 Comments

They can cut you.

But it’s not usually more than a nick and only if you are not careful.

Or, in my case, if the dog you are trimming makes a sudden move.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Trimmers usually have two metal combs, with the outward one that touches our skin being stationary and the inner one moving rapidly left to right. The hair gets in between the teeth of those combs and get cut. Skin is too firm to push up in between those small gaps so it’s mostly safe. You can also tell even if you use trimmers at their lowest setting that they don’t completely get rid of hair like a razor does, they leave some behind.

It is possible to be cut from them, either by pushing the trimmers towards the skin at an angle instead of parallel to the skin, or when cutting near skin folds or loose skin, such as when cutting near and around the ears, nose, or as many unfortunate people have discovered, when trying to groom your private areas.