A lot of trip stoppers are other drugs like stimulants or antipsychotics, which probably won’t be sold at a normal ole store (and is not safe to mix). It could just be placebo, and I bet it actually works pretty well if it is. Other than that I’m not too sure what they could put in it that isn’t a sort of medication
If it’s sold in a “smart shop” in amsterdam it will be some sort of caffeine and vitamin mix.
However, there are certain drugs that can function as de facto trip stoppers. They do not stop the effects entirely but dull them.
In the case of weed, sugar or food in general, reduces the effects of weed if you get too high.
Lsd & Mushrooms. The two target the same receptors and are very similar. Once again, food will diminish the effects slightly, but many use benzodiazepines as for many it stops the trip headspace. Cannabis is a hit and miss. For some it grounds them and others it makes the trip harder. Antipsychotics could also stop a trip as it blocks the receptors that these psychedelics target.
Stimulants – both benzodiazepines and antipsychotics (in particular seroquel) are used for trip killing. Benzodiazepines dull the high and are often used alongside a stimulant and as a sleep aide post trip. Antipsychotics like seroquel block dopamine and their sedative effects can make you sleep almost instantly
Take this with a grain of salt (no pun intended) but I hear ground up black pepper works to anchor a person when suffering from dissociation, like smelling the pepper I mean.
Sometimes when having a bad trip dissociation is common, I’d like to know the science myself behind it myself if true, although it’s just as likely to be placebo.
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