How do VPNs work?


I understand there are general concepts like Full and Split tunnel, I just can’t grasp the concept according to textbooks. What makes different models…well, different?

In: Technology

3 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

i’magine your computer is your home.

regular, unprotected connection to the internet is done by using your front door or window… everyone can see when you come, when you go, and if you have visitors or deliveries.

using vpn’s is like digging a hole into your neighbors baseement (with permission) and you use their front door/windows.

While using your neightbors isn’t that much improvement, it makes it harder for anyone to say it was you doing comeing and going. But VPN are much bigger than that… you’re neighbor is a bad ass, and the entire neighborhood has tunnelled into their basement and their activity obscures your activity.

now mix in some encryption… basically anyone and anything that comes/goes at the frontdoor/windows is always in the shape of an ominous black box.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Assuming you know how a vpn works in general, the difference between a full tunnel and a split tunnel is how much of your data goes through the VPN.

In a split tunnel, only data going to a certain network/location/server etc actually goes through the vpn. The rest of your internet traffic goes straight to wherever its going.

A full tunnel means that every bit of data that leaves your computer to somewhere on the internet goes through the VPN first.

Anonymous 0 Comments

The internet works like the post system but faster.

Instead of sending a letter directly and having the post people see who you’re writing to you put your letter in another envelope and adress it to some VPN company.

They open the letter, find your letter already adressed to the actual receiver. They write their own adress on it to tell the receiver who they should answer.

So you basically put an instance between you and the receiver. The receiver won’t find out your adress, and the police can only find out who you’re talking to by going to the VPN with a warrant (and some are obviously out of their juristication, or simply keep no records at all)

And as a bonus: TOR network works exactly like this too, but instead of just using one middleman you put your letter in 10 envelopes that are locked and can only be opened by the correct next middleman. So noone at the start of the chain can find out who the receiver is, and at the end noone knows who the sender is.