How do we decide what counts as a new species and what’s just a variation within a species?


I grew up hearing that the main indicator of a species was that they only reproduced with one another. But Neanderthals and Humans cross bred. And they’re separate species. And in captivity Lions and Tigers can breed, but they’re obviously different species. Like I guess I’m just confused where the line gets drawn when deciding what is and isn’t a different species.

In: 50

11 Answers

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One extra thing, just to confuse matters more. Biologists can change their minds and reclassify a creature as a different species. For example, you mentioned Neanderthals and modern humans being different species? At some point in the last twenty years, they changed things up. *Homo neanderthalensis* is now *Homo sapiens subspecies neanderthalensis*. Our cavemen relatives are part of the family now.

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