: How do we forget something easily even if we try to remember it as hard as we can, but the same thing comes to our mind when we are not even thinking about it?


: How do we forget something easily even if we try to remember it as hard as we can, but the same thing comes to our mind when we are not even thinking about it?


18 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

one day I forgot my banking password. I’d been entering it by memory daily on my iPhone for years but then one day I went put it in an I just couldn’t remember it. I moved to keychain after that to store my passwords, I feel like with age the ability to remember little things can slip with some people, but others they get old and remain sharp for details their whole life. some people are better at recall than others so for them what they are looking for will pop in their head easier than others, people with poor recall may never make the connection and will forget it forever. happens all the time, umbrellas left on the train, appointments forgotten about, forget to pay an invoice, forget the colour of your first kiss’s hair.

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