How do we have the equipment to picture and see cosmos and stars millions of light years away, but can’t just zoom-in to examine and view the surfaces of our interplanetary planets in the solar system?


How do we have the equipment to picture and see cosmos and stars millions of light years away, but can’t just zoom-in to examine and view the surfaces of our interplanetary planets in the solar system?

In: Physics

30 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Not answering OP but I’m kinda pissed for like all my life that we don’t have a streaming cam pointed to our own planet.

I mean, it’s not like we don’t have the technology so…. why not have one single 4K cam pointed at Earth spinning, 24/7.

And no, I know we have pictures movies whatever, I WANT A STREAMING CAM, like those you people pay in porn, but pointed AT EARTTHHHHH

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