How do we know that donation money end up where they are supposed to?


With so many corporations and apps now asking donation for various causes. How are they allowed to operate and who checks they are legit and not scams?

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4 Answers

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[]( .. is my GoTo for tracking Charities. In the US “Charity” is really a tax filing status for the most part (you can check that status here: []( but not that much is done otherwise to track charities and there are a few scams out there. Worse are the ones that spend all their donations on Administration instead of the cause. This is just a money maker for the CEO and execs. You can check how much is spent on the actual cause at Charity Watch at the above url. For the most part, giving safely and effectively requires a bit of research but thankfully there are resources to help. Do you ever really know 100% for sure? I doubt it, giving requires a bit of faith in your fellow humans, just not blind faith.

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