how do we still get stomach aches if our stomach acid is strong


how do we still get stomach aches if our stomach acid is strong

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5 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Too much food overwhelms it. Or the food we eat creates gases while it digests. Lots of gas in our intestines is painful. Or the fooditself is too low in fiber and compacts in our intestines.

All of it is painful and can be any

Anonymous 0 Comments

Huh? People can get stomach aches for any number of reasons. I’m not sure why you think stomach acid has anything to do with that.

Anonymous 0 Comments

I even got stomach aches from my own stomach acid. It burned a hole into my stomach even. That was no fun.

Anonymous 0 Comments

If you’re referring to heartburn, it’s because the acid ends up in the wrong place, iirc. The pain is because stomach acid is entering your esophagus, which doesn’t have as resistant a lining as your stomach, and it’s irritating it.

Anonymous 0 Comments

The stomach is just one of multiple organs in your abdomen. When you have a true “stomach ache” the discomfort is generally felt higher, just below your sternum (the bone in the middle of your chest that your ribs connect to). Stomach acid is strong, definitely. But Some people don’t produce enough which can lead to a stomach ache and some produce too much (heart burn, acid reflux). Your stomach is lined with a mucosal (mucus) layer to protect it from being dissolved by your own acid (ulcers).
Also your stomach and digestive tract can only accommodate so much food a time. For people who over eat or eat too quickly this can be uncomfortable and painful. (Stomach ache, nausea) Digestion actually starts in your mouth. Chewing thoroughly combined with the saliva (spit) we produce containing enzymes that start the initial break down of our food. Another reason why those who eat too fast may have stomach aches or digestion problems. Pains in the lower abdomen are more likely in the intestines and/or colon (gas/bloating/constipation). Pain in the sides possibly bowels and in your back possibly kidneys. All organs that continue to process your food well after it has left the acid in your stomach.