How do wild animal periods work?


Like imagine a Giselle bleeding out from their period in the wild, wouldn’t it be counterproductive to hide from predators? A lion can sniff blood from miles away so I imagine they’d have some sort of different reproductive method of expelling the uterine lining, or would they just not do it at all?

In: Biology

5 Answers

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You’re right!

There are actually very few species that have a menstrual cycle. Most animals have an estrus cycle instead. Or heat. As in, most animals are only able to breed at certain times of the year – it could be once per year or twice per year or infinity times per year. During or following estrus, a lot of animals will bleed, but its not quite like with humans. And it’s not necessarily proportionate to humans. But keep in mind that estrus is usually accompanied by an incredible urge to mate… So most females of the species will be actively trying to get pregnant, which would negate the whole thing anyway.

Fun fact about estrus, there are a few animals whose estrus is actually triggered by mating. Rabbits, for example, become fertile in reaction to mating. Which means they’re essentially always potentially fertile or pregnant.

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