How do wires get so tangled even when you’re not using them?


Mainly referring to headphones getting tangled in pockets/backpacks/bags, but other chords seem to do the same!

In: Physics

4 Answers

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There are a ton of ways for a wire to get tangled – and when you’re jostling them around in your pocket or bag or something, the wire goes through a lot of bending and such, putting it in a lot of different orientations. Since there are so many ways for it to get tangled, the likelihood of wire arranging into a “tangled” state is pretty high. But once the wire gets tangled, it never really gets spontaneously untangled – that’s basically what a tangle is, something that can only be undone in one specific way (and the likelihood of that specific untangled orientation spontaneously happening is quite unlikely).

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