How do worms dig their tunnels if their body is soft?


How do worms dig their tunnels if their body is soft?

In: 7923

13 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

I was about to comment on how as a kid I always imagined that they just ate the dirt in front and pooped it behind and how even though I know that’s clearly not the answer, it’s still the first place my mind goes after all these years. Lol, right!?

But holy crap the amount of people here who earnestly believe that’s how it works is staggering.

Anonymous 0 Comments

What people mean by “worms” cover several species. So, most answers on this thread are technically right even if they are completely different

Anonymous 0 Comments

There seems to be two different answers in the comments. They expand and contract/use muscles and hairs OR eat the dirt and poop it out.

Which one is the right one?