How do Xbox/PlayStation run 130fps consistently when a 300 euro pc couldn’t?


I’m so confused. I have an Xbox series S wich I bought for 300 euro. This can run things like. Fortnite at 120 fps all the time but a 300 euro self built pc couldn’t? I’m so confused and dumb.

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21 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

2 main reasons.

1) Standardized parts mean they can use economies of scale to both manufacture and optimize the consoles better and cheaper than a gaming PC where there’s thousands of different components available and they differ from company to company.

2) There’s a bit of a loss leader sales scheme going on. They sell the console cheaper to ensure you buy their console’s games and their online subscription service. The textbook examples of this are razors and printers: companies sell the razor/printer itself dirt cheap, but gouge the hell out of you to get replacement blades/ink/toner. Console makers will sell the console at a discount, hoping to make it up on subscriptions and their licensing fee on the games.

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