How do Xbox/PlayStation run 130fps consistently when a 300 euro pc couldn’t?


I’m so confused. I have an Xbox series S wich I bought for 300 euro. This can run things like. Fortnite at 120 fps all the time but a 300 euro self built pc couldn’t? I’m so confused and dumb.

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21 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

300 euro for a pc gives you a crappy pc. The consoles are specialized in gaming, but they can’t do all the other stuff you can do on a pc. So either a slow machine that can do almost anything, or a faster machine that can only play games.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Games are usually way more optimized for console than they are for PC. It’s just easier to do since toy only have a few hardwares to worry about whereas with PC, you have to worry about thousands or even more different configurations.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Games are usually way more optimized for console than they are for PC. It’s just easier to do since toy only have a few hardwares to worry about whereas with PC, you have to worry about thousands or even more different configurations.

Anonymous 0 Comments

First of all, we need to understand the base concept:
Consoles are made to run games, period.
PCs are made to do a LOT of stuff.

Games developed for consoles are made with the hardware of consoles in mind.
all Playstations and all Xbox for that version of the game, are the same hardware (plus, minus, about the slim versions and such).

PCs are completely different.
maybe my pc runs full on Asus hardware, yours is a mix.
So, games can never be optimised perfectly for the 100000001 different hardware combinations.

Anonymous 0 Comments

The profit margins of consoles are low or negative. The goal of console manufacturers is to use the devices to upsell games and online services later. If you paid a fair price for a console at a computer parts store, it would cost more. A PC usually has more physical space for expansion. The console has all its components integrated on fewer boards, which require less material.

Anonymous 0 Comments

For a more eli5 answer, you can think of it like this: you want to race a car on a track. Buying a PC is like buying a van. You can absolutely drive it on the track, you can also sleep in it, carry 8 passengers, 2 tons of cargo, and with modifications, you can set up an office, or even cook in it. Buying the console is like spending the same money on a sports car. It will be great on track, much better than the van, but you won’t have many passengers, you will struggle to fit your groceries in it, much less fit a pallet of bricks, and you definitely won’t cook in it. It’s not just because the car is designed for the track, but tracks are designed with sports cars in mind. Just like games that are built to run well on consoles, and a PC of even double the price will struggle to keep up sometimes

Anonymous 0 Comments

First of all, we need to understand the base concept:
Consoles are made to run games, period.
PCs are made to do a LOT of stuff.

Games developed for consoles are made with the hardware of consoles in mind.
all Playstations and all Xbox for that version of the game, are the same hardware (plus, minus, about the slim versions and such).

PCs are completely different.
maybe my pc runs full on Asus hardware, yours is a mix.
So, games can never be optimised perfectly for the 100000001 different hardware combinations.

Anonymous 0 Comments

300 euro for a pc gives you a crappy pc. The consoles are specialized in gaming, but they can’t do all the other stuff you can do on a pc. So either a slow machine that can do almost anything, or a faster machine that can only play games.

Anonymous 0 Comments

First of all, we need to understand the base concept:
Consoles are made to run games, period.
PCs are made to do a LOT of stuff.

Games developed for consoles are made with the hardware of consoles in mind.
all Playstations and all Xbox for that version of the game, are the same hardware (plus, minus, about the slim versions and such).

PCs are completely different.
maybe my pc runs full on Asus hardware, yours is a mix.
So, games can never be optimised perfectly for the 100000001 different hardware combinations.

Anonymous 0 Comments

For a more eli5 answer, you can think of it like this: you want to race a car on a track. Buying a PC is like buying a van. You can absolutely drive it on the track, you can also sleep in it, carry 8 passengers, 2 tons of cargo, and with modifications, you can set up an office, or even cook in it. Buying the console is like spending the same money on a sports car. It will be great on track, much better than the van, but you won’t have many passengers, you will struggle to fit your groceries in it, much less fit a pallet of bricks, and you definitely won’t cook in it. It’s not just because the car is designed for the track, but tracks are designed with sports cars in mind. Just like games that are built to run well on consoles, and a PC of even double the price will struggle to keep up sometimes