how do you actually store data into light so it transmits it?


how do you actually store data into light so it transmits it?

In: Physics

6 Answers

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If you understand binary it will make things a lot easier. Basically, the way computers count is using binary. They can’t count to 10 like us humans but they can count in base 2 or binary. If an electrical signal or light is on then that represents a 1 and if it is off it represents a 0. the number 2 in binary will be 10 because I can only have a 1 or a 0 and so we have to carry a 1 into the other column. example. 3 would be 11 as we can have the first 1 represent 2 and the second one represents 1 (2+1=3). 4 would be 100 in binary. If I want to send you information it will first be turned into binary so a string of 1s and 0s or light on and off signals and they can be decoded on the other side bu whoever is listening

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