How do you chew and swallow food (in detail)

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Long time mouth breather, first time poster to ELI5.

I’m in my late 30s, and I realise l’ve been chewing and swallowing food wrong my whole life, and am bugging the heck out of my loved ones with questions… but I still need answers, so please take a moment to help me out.

When you chew food, do you use both sides of your mouth equally?

Do you swallow an entire mouthful’s worth of food in one go? Or does it slide down your throat bit by bit as you are chewing?

Where does your tongue go while you’re chewing?

Do you chew up and down or kind of grindy side to side?

I know I sound like an alien or an Al but I’m just an undiagnosed tongue tie kid with a weirdly high palate whose tongue has been hanging about the bottom of my mouth like a slug for the last few decades.

In: Biology

14 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

I realised some of the noisiest eaters I know keep their tongue engaged the whole time while they are eating. For me the tongue is like an arm on a conveyor belt- it comes in when it needs to, shuffles the food to the side, and then goes back in to rest position.

I have tried eating the way these food French kissing people do, and you do taste the food more but christ!

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