How do you tell the difference between music genres?


Edit: Totally redone since people seem to think I’m completely stupid or something.

How do you tell the difference between closely related genres? For example, I saw an artist listed as “pop, bubblegum pop, indie pop, pop punk, electropop” and I don’t understand how those are all different genres. Or you have rock, punk rock, grunge rock, and alternative rock. Like what themes or instruments or whatever defines these genres and makes them not the same as all the others?

In: Other

8 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

So for the instrumentation part I’d honestly just Google the various genres and see but for any genre its usually it has something to do with how the music was generated, the instruments used, the general speed and mood of the lyrics, the note structure, the percussion choice and a few others. It’s really very subjective for some bands as well.

Go here and just experiment for a better understanding

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