How do zero calories soft drinks work in relation to weight gain/loss?


Is it safe to drink non-sugary drinks (like coke zero) while on a diet? Or do the artificial sweeteners just make you fat in some sneaky way?

In: Chemistry

25 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Ok so what makes you fat is energy. Energy can be stored in many forms but that doesn’t have to concern you since the total energy is on the product. Usually energy/100g or ml. Coke Zero contains about 1-2 kcal/100ml. So not 0 but not much.

Energy is given usually in two units kJ and kcal (kcal is 1000×cal = 1 Cal so Cal and kcal are the same. Idiotic system dont get confused by it.) To put things in comparison a usual adult needs 2000 kcal per day. So a glass of Coke Zero with its 3-4 kcal is not much.

How much you should eat when dieting depends on how much you move, whether you wanna build muscles or get thinner. If you move as much as a soldier or some pro athlete you can easily take 6000 kcal per day.

The reason why you should avoid even zero drinks is because they contains many other substances that aren’t healthy like phosphoric acid and caffeine. But without doubt the biggest issue with drinks is their sugar content so if you like zero drinks they wont make you fat.

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