How does 1X/4G/LTE/5G even work?


Influenced by a post from earlier today, what do these mean? how does it work? I just know 1X means my phone data is basically useless and 4G/LTE is great. Not sure about any of the rest.

In: Technology

3 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

As someone said above but I will paraphrase, they all use different wavelengths. Some wavelengths, 1x for example has a very long wavelength, thus, it is able to travel father and in interfered with less. However, the amount of information it can pass is limited.

5G has a very short wavelength, meaning it can transmit more information quicker. However, due to its constricted wavelength it is very easy to interfere with a 5G signal. It does not travel through objects such as buildings and mountains well. That is why they are building so many 5G towers. The faster phone companies try to make their service the shorter the wavelength becomes.

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