How does 8% inflation correlate with the 30-50% increase in the price of products also accounting for shrinkflation?


Edit: thanks to everyone especially those of you that have really detailed answers. I’ve learned a lot .

In: 448

19 Answers

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As someone who does restaurant menu pricing. 8% is an average. Some products like our flour has seen an increase of about 42%. Clorinated Sanitizer up about 13%, about 28% for whipped cream, oatmilk up about 6% wild frozen blueberries up about 48%, so on so forth. Some stuff has been totally flat. Usually the less labor on their end like whole wheat berries are flat for us. Etc.

Some stuff demand and supply issues inflate. If you remember the glove-pocalypse. There simply weren’t any around and the places making them charged more as the material for them were more expensive.

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