How does a computer turn binary into text?


I searched for similar questions here and none of them really gave the answer I’m looking for.
I understand we have the concept of encoding where in the ascii scheme, the letter A, for example, is encoded to 01000001, because humans agreed on this to be so, *but where actually is that A* when the binary calls for it, if physically in the cpu, for this example we just have 8 microscopic transistors, 2 holding a charge and 6 without a charge that we point to and say “That there means A…but it also means 65 in decimal”? Clearly there’s some level of abstraction here I’m not aware of.
Does 01000001 actually just correspond to a standardized pixel arrangement in the shape of A that is only actually rendered by the hardware in the situation where it’s called to be printed on a screen?

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8 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

The layer of abstraction you’re thinking of is ASCII, the contract between binary and text that links them together.

That 01000001 corresponds to an ASCII value, which also corresponds with “A”.

[Here’s some more info.](

> As an example, the computer processes the binary 01100101 into its equivalent ASCII decimal value 101, which the computer recognizes as the letter “e” based on ASCII standard conversion. This is then displayed as the letter “e” on the computer screen. The same process is also followed in online applications such as binary to text translator binary to ASCII converter and other code conversion programs.

Hope that helps.

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