how does a country adjust their currency for inflation?


If inflation is roughly 2% per year, wouldn’t it eventually devalue like the Zimbabwean dollar?

In: Economics

6 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

I need someone to help me out, but i remember learning about this in school many years ago. Vant remember exactly why, but lets say everyone in a country went on a shopping spree.. then lets say everyone refuse to spend anything. these 2 scenarios have oposite effect on inflation. A common strategy where i live, is (or was) increased ammount of tv commercials that promoted saving, or oposite; some kind of spending campaign. This is just one small thing they do ofc. I dont know the english Word for it, but in Norwegian its “motkonjuksjoner”. Maybe something in the ballpark of “anti conjunctions”, tho i might be way off and youll probably find it using the Nor. Version. Sry in case of Norwegian autocorrects. Cba proofreading

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