how does a cut finger get resewn back on with full functionality?


how does a cut finger get resewn back on with full functionality?

In: Biology

17 Answers

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My Right hand Index finger was cut off after the last joint (fortunately..), in a rather bloody CNC machining accident.
They sewed that thing back on again, was all blue for several weeks, then ok.
(Nail is all wrong, still is after 25 years)

But the weirdest thing was that I had lost all feeling in that finger, one night a couple of years after the accident, I woke up with a scream..
seemed like the nerves had re-connected.. and it felt like the “pain-info” had been laying dormant waiting.. I woke up certain my finger had been cut off again..
But now it works.
Not perfect, it’s a bit numb, but it works.

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