how does a cut finger get resewn back on with full functionality?


how does a cut finger get resewn back on with full functionality?

In: Biology

17 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

To build on this- how far away are we from reconstructing severed/damaged spinal chords in a similar fashion to restore use of disabled limbs?

Anonymous 0 Comments

Using microsurgery. The surgeon uses very fine sutures to reattach nerves and blood vessels. For the surgery to be fully successful, the detached part of the finger must be kept cool an surgery must take place as soon as possible.

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Anonymous 0 Comments

I dunno of this was already said…

The muscles that move fingers arent in the fingers so all that needs to be reattached for them to work are the tendons. Limbs oth have musculature in them that works then making reattachment for functionality much nore complex.

Anonymous 0 Comments

The most difficult part is reattaching the small arteries and veins using microsurgery with tiny sutures. Small nerves are also carefully reattached using small suture. Tendons are reattached with bigger sutures. Bones are typically fixed with metal pins

Anonymous 0 Comments

If the bone is broken apart i think it can be temporarily cemented in place to heal back together, nerves and veins and stuff are stitched together using teeny weeny stitches. If a significant amount is removed and the tendons are cut, they have to be pulled back down from the shoulder(they ping all the way up your arm) and reattached. I cut off the tip of my thumb (around 15-20mm) and now I have no squishy padding it’s just skin ove bone, and the bones at an angle too so it realllly hurts if I just do much as flick it… generally they won’t reattach the tip if it’s a small amount, mostly because if it is a small amount it’s often too ruined to reattach or unsalvagable whereas a larger amount of finger is more necessary and more worth reattaching 🙂

Anonymous 0 Comments

My Right hand Index finger was cut off after the last joint (fortunately..), in a rather bloody CNC machining accident.
They sewed that thing back on again, was all blue for several weeks, then ok.
(Nail is all wrong, still is after 25 years)

But the weirdest thing was that I had lost all feeling in that finger, one night a couple of years after the accident, I woke up with a scream..
seemed like the nerves had re-connected.. and it felt like the “pain-info” had been laying dormant waiting.. I woke up certain my finger had been cut off again..
But now it works.
Not perfect, it’s a bit numb, but it works.