How does a game like Borderlands/Wonderlands have “billions of guns”?


How does a game like Borderlands/Wonderlands have “billions of guns”?

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4 Answers

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Its mix and match combinations with random number generators.

Take the basic weapon type, randomly select the damage, randomly select additional effects (with some rules to prevent certain combinations). If you take all the potential variations, multiply them together, you end up with an extremely large number of unique results.

For example, lets say you have 4 basic gun types, like pistol, shotgun, rifle, heavy. Each one has 4 different basic effects. Each effect can vary by 4 damage points. And each guns main damage can vary by 4 damage points. 4 x 4 x 4 x 4 = 256 possible unique combinations. And that’s a very limited number of options compared to whats in the game.

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