How does a gas turbine work?


How does a gas turbine work?

In: Engineering

2 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

When a gas is heated it increases in pressure. The gas wants to reduce its pressure by expanding. If the gas can only go in one direction it will push things out of it’s way to go that direction.

A gas turbine heats air and has the air push a turbine. The turbine spins and that can be used to do work or produce electricity.

Steam turbines, gas turbines. and nuclear power plants all work the same basic way.

Anonymous 0 Comments

You have a spinning shaft that compresses air. You have a combustor to burn the fuel in compressed air. You have a downstream turbine that spins from the force of the combustion.

That’s pretty much the gist of it. Air comes in, air is compressed, air mixes with fuel, fuel is burned, the force of the burning spins the turbine, and you vent the exhaust.