How does a government like the Soviet Union just collapse? What does that actually look like?


I am having a hard time understanding how governments can just “collapse” like the Soviet Union, without any foreign threats. Wouldn’t an incompetent and dysfunctional government just keep up appearances and continue to operate in the background?

In: Economics

5 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Just to give you an idea of what it was like to us back then. This is just a glimpse, not the full story of the fall.

I live about a mile from the Randall’s in this story about Boris Yeltsin, President of Russia(?) during those final Soviet years. What the story doesn’t say is this:
THe Randall’s is on the road (Texas Highway 3) directly between the Johnson Space Center and Ellington airfield, where his plane was landed.

He called an unplanned stop when he realized it was a grocery store that any US citizen, not just VIPs, could go to. He wanted to see how much US propaganda diverged from reality.

As the article does say, He was stunned.

Linky: [](

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