How does a property surveyor actually decide where the property lines are?


I see this crop up in /r/legaladvice a lot where there’s a question of where one person’s property ends or begins, whether something is on someone’s property, etc. and the response is always that they should get a surveyor out to determine where the property lines are. But I don’t understand how that works?

I always figured that something like the title or whatever would already set that out and it’d be pretty clear to a layman precisely where their property begins or ends, but the amount of times there seems to be disputes about it makes it seem like it’s definitely not as simple as that, hence the surveyor.

So what does the surveyor actually do when asked to do this? How do they decide where the property lines are?

In: Engineering

5 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

The land boundary corners can be a metal rod or stake in the ground yes. Or, it could be concrete.

But the real question here is how did it get there to that exact spot ? Usually they start with the land records as recorded in the town/city records and start at one known corner, then follow the survey description of the land boundaries around the property . This can get very complex and is a professional service.

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