How does a stomach bug/flu immediately turn everything I eat into hot lava?


You probably know where I’m asking this from.

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3 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

>ELI5: How does a stomach bug/flu immediately turn everything I eat into hot lava?

That’s what **you** do on a regular basis. That’s just what the contents of your upper intestines look like.
All a stomach infection does is expel everything before your lower intestines have time to absorb all the fluids.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Your body thinks it’s being poisoned, so all the exit doors are held open and everyone is being forced to leave whether they wanted to or not.

Anonymous 0 Comments

The reason it burns your sensitive parts is because diareaha still has stomach acid, bile and a bunch of other digestive fluids in it. Your body is trying to get stuff out so fast that your intestines don’t have a chance to reabsorb all the fluids they normally do during digestion.