How does Akinator find specific people with such vague questions? Does it also count on luck?


How does Akinator find specific people with such vague questions? Does it also count on luck?

In: Technology

12 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Since everyone is familiar with the concept of a family tree, Imagine a similar tree structure, but one which consists of random people connected together.

They have been placed according to certain patterns like males on the left of the tree, females on the right at high level and then scientists on the left and teachers on the right at next level and so on.

The questions that you see on the screen is typically the logic applied at that node in a tree. Every question that you answer is used to select either a left or right part of the tree and you descend down the tree with your answer. Once the end of the tree is reached, we get answer we are looking for.

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