How does Akinator find specific people with such vague questions? Does it also count on luck?


How does Akinator find specific people with such vague questions? Does it also count on luck?

In: Technology

12 Answers

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Have you ever played the game [*Guess Who?*]( It’s a game where you have to identify your opponent’s character by answering yes/no questions. You can ask something like “do they have blue eyes?” “do they have facial hair?” With each passing question, you narrow down the pool of candidates. Eventually, you eliminate everyone but one.

Akinator works the same way, except it’s a much large pool of candidates. However, they use user input to help them. Let’s say that you pick a character that nobody else has. Akinator will remember all your answers, and should someone think of that character at another time, Akinator will use your answers to help guide them to the correct solution. The more often people use the same character, the more refined the path the solution can get.

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