How does an animal not feel pain or discomfort from being put down?


How does an animal not feel pain or discomfort from being put down?

In: 3

6 Answers

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Have you ever been put under for a surgery? When you wake up, you have no recollection of what happened because that drug prevents memories from being formed. If something were to go horribly wrong, would you know? Probably not, you’d just not wake up.

They use that same drug to put the animal out at first but essentially overdoses them on it. The animal probably senses something is wrong when you get to the vet’s office as you will undoubtedly be distraught and they can sense that. Best thing you can do is to try and act as casual as possible leading up to the event. Once they’re gone, know you’ve done the best possible job you could to make the experience a calm one for them and now it’s time to take some time for yourself.

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