How does an audience collectively decide the applause is over?


I think most people figure they’ll clap until the applause dies down. But if everyone were to think like that we would clap forever. How does the audience hive mind, for lack of a better term, stop the applause?

In: Other

22 Answers

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I think most of it is down to social convention.

I’ve been to a few classical concerts in my hometown and there’s definitely a convention for that sort of gig, it’s pretty much set in stone. The audience is expected to continue their applause while the conductor leaves and returns to the stage twice, singles out sections of the orchestra for extra cheers, asks the orchestra to stand while they refuse to allow the conductor to take the applause on their own, before finally rising again for the final time. ITS FUCKING EXHAUSTING…

In my experience at rock and pop shows the audience usually takes their queues from the house lights/music – if they stay down you’re expected to stomp and shout for more, when they come up there’s no chance of an extra encore and it quickly dies.

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