How does an audience collectively decide the applause is over?


I think most people figure they’ll clap until the applause dies down. But if everyone were to think like that we would clap forever. How does the audience hive mind, for lack of a better term, stop the applause?

In: Other

22 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Honestly I think it depends on what their applauding and a general understanding of how long is acceptable. If its a polite applause its generally like, no more than 5 seconds, enough to show appreciation but not too long that if its a speaker or play the applause is going to interrupt the flow of the speech or show. At the end its up to how much the audience appreciated the performance, as it allows for a longer applause, the longer and louder the more appreciative.

As an example: in a play its acceptable after each scene to have a short applause and at the end its acceptable to have a longer one, and for concerts if the applause amd cheering is lively enough they might do an extra set called an encore. I think it’s concidered common knowledge, and i think most people kind of know how long depending on the situation. I dont think its a hive mind thing so much as an understanding of social ettiquette.

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