How does an “NAT PCR” test differ from an “RT-PCR” test?


How does an “NAT PCR” test differ from an “RT-PCR” test?

In: Biology

3 Answers

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NAT (nucleic acid testing) is just a generic name for tests which detect specific genes.

PCR (polymerase chain reaction) is a type of NAT. LAMP (loop mediated isothermal amplification) is another type of NAT.

RT (reverse transcriptase) is a process to convert RNA into DNA. Nucleic acid amplification only works on DNA. So if you are testing for RNA, the first step in testing needs to be RT.

COVID-19 is caused by an RNA virus so the first step in testing is RT, then comes amplification.

RT PCR Is the most used NAT for CV19, but RT LAMP is done in some labs.

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