How does beer become alcoholic in the production process?


How does beer become alcoholic in the production process?

In: 16

11 Answers

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Beer starts as normal ingredients that can be a little different depending on the kind of beer. Most start with oats, wheat or barley or some other grains. We boil this in water and then separate the grain from the water and boil the water again and add some flavors like hops or citrus. The water that comes out is sweet and sticky from the sugar in the grain. After it cools down we add yeast, depending on what kind of beer also lets you pick what kind of yeast and what temperature. The yeast is alive and eats the sugars in the water and turns it into alcohol and carbon dioxide. After a couple of weeks there’s enough alcohol to put in bottles. You can measure how much alcohol by using a special tester to see how dense the water was with sugar before and after the yeast do their work. When you put it in the bottles the yeast will be a little weak from the alcohol, so we add a little sugar to each bottle. After about a week, the yeast has made enough carbon dioxide in the bottle to make the beer fizzy. Now we let the yeast take a forever nap by making the beer cold in the fridge for about a week. Then it’s ready to drink.

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