How does being used to spicy foods work?


More specifically:
Why, when a person from a region that typically eats spicy food eats something you think is hot, do they say “this isn’t spicy” even if there’s like 5 jalapenos (exaggeration.) Can they taste the spice but they’re just used to it and are being mean to my caucasian tastebuds, or can they literally not register any spice. If the second one, how does this work? If the prior, how does being used to spicy things work?

Edit: on reflection, 5 jalapenos clearly isnt an exaggeration.

Edit 2: I’m talking MY caucasian tastebuds. Me being from Europe where spice is not everywhere. I’m not saying white people can’t be used to spice. (That’s sort of what I was asking anyway, is spice tolerance nature or nurture)

In: Biology

8 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Give someone who’s not used to carbonated sodas a can of Sprite and watch them recoil at the initial taste, kinda has a sharpness if you’re not used to it. If you’re used to Sprite or sodas you can anticipate the bite, sweetness, and bubbles, but that comes from repeated exposure. Kinda have to enjoy some part of the experience to do it enough to build a tolerance though.

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