How does bluetooth actually work?


How does bluetooth actually work?

In: 77

8 Answers

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Bluetooth uses a tiny radio for things to talk to each other. To be called “bluetooth”, the radio has to use a certain channel, amount of power, and follow rules about how to format messages so that they can be understood.

For example, earphones broadcast a message that says “Hello everybody, my name’s FC Buds and I’m earphones; I speak stereo, and my turn-ones are volume control, pausing, and skipping. Anyone interested in a little 1-on-1?” Then another thing, like a car or computer listening for Bluetooth devices recognizes the request to pair-up and responds with “Hey, Buds! I’m FC Laptop, and I speak stereo too! I’d love to chat. Let’s exchange digits!” The two then swap messages directly by swapping encoded messages like “Gimme some sound, baby!” and “Have you heard this one?”

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