How does bluetooth work?


How does bluetooth work? I am mainly curious how my phone is able to connect to my wireless headphones within range. Or how it works for really any device.

In: Technology

3 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Basically, bluetooth work with radio waves. There is an antenna in every bluetooth devices. Bluetooth actually actually designates the protocol that the devices follow to get connected.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Your phone and Bluetooth device are both capable of sending and receiving regular radio transmissions.

You can think of your phone as acting like a little radio station. When your headphones receive the signal, it looks for a marker saying it is from your specific phone and as long as that is there then it accepts the signal and plays it through the speakers.

Anonymous 0 Comments

A crack in a tooth allows food bacteria in. After time the black tooth fungus shows blue through the enamel. The only fix is rectogestion.