How does body get more stamina?


How does it happen that you can train to run 50km in one go? Does it just get more efficient or are there other mechanics at play?

In: Biology

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Yes it gets more efficient. But that’s a complex and interesting process.

It’s primarily vascularization. You grow new blood vessels and your heart gets stronger as it grows new musculature—which are able to deliver more blood faster to important muscles and to your lungs. This speeds up the rate at which CO2 and other metabolites are removed from your muscles while delivering oxygen faster.

There are also changes in muscle texture and composition. You may lose heavy musculature to make room for blood vessels and drop your overall body weight.

Fascia (the tissue that surrounds and organizes your muscles) will swell and tighten to act more like long ligaments and stabilize your joints along repeated paths of motion—which can reduce flexibility.

There are many other changes too.