How does cancer spread? What makes certain types of cancer different from others? Why do some treatments not work as effectively as others?


How does cancer spread? What makes certain types of cancer different from others? Why do some treatments not work as effectively as others?

In: Biology

2 Answers

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Cancer is termed as a rapid uncontrolled growth of abnormal cells. In patients, cancer cells will start moving towards nearby lymph nodes, tissue, organs, etc. The main difference in the types of cancer is the severity. For breast cancer patients, survival rates are very high compared to other forms of cancer because breasts aren’t necessary for survival, which is the reason why you see so many women get their breasts surgically removed to cut away the cancer completely
However, some cancers that attack more vital organs such as the lungs or liver are harder to overcome. The effectiveness of treatments largely depends upon the patient, major factors in a patients survival rate largely depends upon sex, age, when the cancer was discovered, previous health problems, genetic history, etc. These factors can either increase or decrease the effectiveness of certain drugs, radiation, or surgery.

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