How does chrome take 4 gb of ram? That is like 5 full movies.


How does chrome take 4 gb of ram? That is like 5 full movies.

In: Technology

7 Answers

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One other part of the equation here is the classical balance of the amount of time a calculation takes versus the amount of space (storage or RAM) it consumes. For example, lets say I was making a program for checking spelling. I could save RAM by opening just one section of the dictionary and checking a given word against all the other words starting with letter. Loading and unloading that information for every word will take a bunch of computing and therefore a bunch of time, but a small amount of memory will be used. Alternatively, I could load every word in the dictionary into memory when the program starts. I could also use a data structure that consumes more computer memory with the trade-off of being able to lookup a word more easily. Now, a bunch of memory is consumed, but you can check a word nearly instantaneously! If you have the memory to spare, this is a good user experience.

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