How does chrome take 4 gb of ram? That is like 5 full movies.


How does chrome take 4 gb of ram? That is like 5 full movies.

In: Technology

7 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Since the introduction of Javascript websites are not just content shown to you. Websites are full on programs – some of them very complex with thousands and thousands of lines of code that is run by your browser.

Look at Facebook – the website is an instant messenger program, a media player, an image viewer, a tracker (I’m sure a lot of the workings of the site are about tracking your interactions in minute detail), and a rich advertising program – and this is all running on your PC for every tab you have open. So you’re not just holding the content, you’re holding everything to make the website “program” run. Websites couldn’t be as dynamic and responsive as this if they were just rendering content.

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